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The Reading2Connect Community Based Programs

(For Example, Adult Day Centers, Memory Cafes, Senior Centers)


Based on Evidence-Based Research

Based on the experience and feedback of libraries across the country, this innovative program has brought a large collection of age/dementia friendly books to libraries across the U.S.

Reading2Connect® brings into libraries older adults living with dementia, their hired care partners, and their families into your library.

Reading2Connect® also expands libraries’ outreach and expands partnerships with long-term care communities, senior centers, area agencies on aging, adult day centers, and home care companies.


Age/Dementia Appropriate 

Our age-appropriate accessible books, with highly readable text and abundant illustrations, enable older adult patrons to enjoy the library experience as they have in the past. The Reading2Connect® Program puts lifelong readers living with memory challenges at ease and nurtures social relationships as they partake in a very familiar activity, interacting with adapted books that retain the integrity of adult literature.

The content of our books varies widely from popular topics (e.g., pets, sports) to culturally specific topics (e.g., Civil Rights, the Korean War, Judaism, Japanese-American Story). Reading2Connect® helps aging adults remember, express themselves, and connect with others. Books bring all voices to the table.


Multiple Languages. Multiple Formats.

The Reading2Connect® books are available in multiple languages and are printed on tear-resistant, washable paper for durability and infection control.


Our program includes eBooks to be enjoyed on a screen, as well as Video Books, produced in partnership with CareLink360 ( Each Video Book progresses through an eBook on a screen, page by page, while a narrator reads the book aloud. Our Video Books are enjoyed by individuals living with low vision, as well as individuals who appreciate seeing and hearing a book at the same time.


Our accessible books in all forms serve as effective, compassionate responses to expressive behaviors of distress.

Best Value

Reading2Connect® Library Program



For Public Libraries in All Communities

Valid until canceled

To Pay by Deposit or Check, Contact Us Directly.

1 1/4 Hr Online Self-Paced Training for Library Associates

Lifetime Access to Our Training for Future Hires/Volunteers

Reading2Connect Certification

44 Reading2Connect Books on Washable, Tear-Resistant Paper

Supporting Materials, including eBooks and Video Books

If a Book is Damaged, We Replace it at No Cost

No Shipping Cost. No Subscription Fee.

Ongoing, Personal Customer Support

Reading2Connect Activities for Adults With Dementia
Adults Living with Dementia Sample Reading2Connect
Reading2Connect Activities For Adults Living with Dementia

The Reading2Connect Library Program Details For Older Adults Living With Dementia

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